Happy Holidays! We had a great Christmas--went to St. Louis last weekend for our Johnson Fam Christmas party so got to visit with 2 of Addy's Great-Grandmas, a new cousin and lots of Johnsons! Grandma Linda and Grandpa came to visit on Friday night and stayed for the weekend to come to eat turkey, go to Christmas Eve service & watch Addy open presents from Santa!! Addy's fav presents were a princess dress, highchair, camera and play cookie set. Camera is by far the funniest - we played with this all morning and somehow she got this idea to make you pose -- she tells you to stand across the room and "go like this" and demonstrates how to cross one leg in front of the other. I know I take an excessive # of pictures of this child but I have never had her do that...hmm. She has a lot to say nowadays - our conversation in the car today: A: "Momma, that truck is dirty. We do not eat tires - they are not food. Food goes on the table...you get some milk and some applesauce and a plate. That is food. You eat food with a fork." M: Yes, Addy that is right, tires are not food. A: "Tires are yucky. Where is the monster?" (Zhu Zhu hamster)...amazing the way their little brains process random thoughts.
Our favorite Christmas Gift was from my Aunt Chris, Uncle Eric and cousins Kelly & Rachel - they made donations to
http://www.littlehearts.org/ on our behalf and for everyone's gift this year - very awesome!!! I even was given an small warning of this gift beforehand - don't know if you did that on purpose but just barely prevented sobbing in the middle of family Christmas party -good call. Love you guys!!