Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tomorrow is the big day...

Finished with all of our pre-procedural total met 7 doctors, 2 nurse practitioners and a social worker with 1 ECHO and 1 more ultrasound.  The overall impression is that we are "good candidates" for the procedure so that is encouraging!  Based on their numbers baby Newman will be #144 to have a fetal cardiac cath intervention, #26 to have the septal defect created for the HLHS/RAS condition and #6 to have the actual atrial stent placed.  They will start tomorrow at 8:30 and are going to try to do the procedure with an epidural instead of general anesthesia.  They encourage patients to bring an ipod to distract them but it seems it would make you a lot more anxious to not know what everyone was saying the whole time you were lying there, especially knowing that they were probably talking about your baby.  I am going to try to stick it out listening to the play by play.  At least anesthesiologists have no trouble versed-ing you if you freak out, become hypertensive or "are just getting really bored" - his words not mine!!

After hearing too many more statistics about our little guy's chances today we are still feeling confident that we made the right choice to come here and now whatever happens is out of our hands.  There is already a plan for him and we are just hoping the plan includes us getting to come home and let those little cheeks fatten out for 3 more months so we can give them big kisses in February.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.  Hebrews 11:1

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your in good hands! I will be praying for all of you. Can't wait to hear the good news.
