So very greatful to be a mommy this week. Just couldn't get enough of Ryder's smiles on Sunday - he knew he was a handsome little guy, too and flashed his new smile at everyone who came in his room. By the evening, he had a big gummy grin. He wore himself out though....
Mother's day night, tired little angel...keeping guard over the paci |
So, he went back on the dreaded bipap mask overnight through Monday. Smiles [temporarily] on hold. He had a quiet few days back on the Sipap, then to CPAP yesterday (acronyms for various breathing apparatuses).
More elephant nose. |
Yesterday evening, more smiles again! Today he made it back to his nasal canula and has had a great day so far. ENT came and scoped him and his vocal cords appear to be working. He also had an upper GI and does not have any reflux on that so he is officially cleared to try oral feeds - not sure when that will be though - was too excited to ask!
Little warrior, not quite keen on the camera yet |
But onto the mom enough topic...timely title, Time Magazine...I ask myself this question every night before I fall asleep. And usually again when I wake up on the hospital couch and go home and go back to sleep or wake up on Addy's floor and then get up to go back to sleep in our bed. Who really knows if this is good enough, right? Last week I officially started back to work, but luckily I am doing an online chart review this month that I can conduct for the most part sitting here in Ryder's room with my bedside table-converted desk. I have no idea how people really "work" from home, by the way, this seems close to that and it is not easy - lots of visitors, insane beeping, and so I am just trying my best to keep plowing through charts while intermittently tending to Ryder when he is fussy. I hope I am doing enough. Ross is on service this week which is even more's nice that he has been able to come back and forth to visit so he can keep updated. Since everyone knows where we are his team can also come down and do check-out rounds outside Ryder's room - weird, perhaps...but that works well enough too. So are we enough? The house seems clean enough, we have enough food in the fridge, and we are sleeping enough to be able to show up every day...
and Ryder is making enough progress. Still very slow progress, but if you think about what he is up to today compared to a week ago, and the week before that and so on, it seems even more amazing. So hopefully, for today, I am mom enough, or just plain enough. With regards to the whole parenting "style" discussion, I am not sure of most things but I am pretty convinced that no matter how noble, outstanding or interesting your mommy skills are - if you make it to the cover of Time Magazine, you may be too much. For now, enough will have to be good enough and we can be thankful that He is enough even if we fall short.
The only thing left to think about this weekend, then, is if Addy is fed enough...probably so, Miss still 95th percentile.
Addy's daycare sheet...note how many breakfasts and lunches she ate... |