Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Happy Birthday to Addy!

Since it's now 1am, Ryder has officially made it 6 days without his ventilator!  He is still on a breathing tool called Sipap which consists of a tiny nose mask that gives him some help but he is doing a good deal of the work on his own...now just some waiting and hoping that he can just get a little bit stronger.  Just enough to do it on his own...

All else is very stable, still on blood thinner, antibiotics and TPN + milk to keep his calories up and of course just as sweet as can be!  The world's cutest little warrior.

In other news, Addy is now THREE!  Three years old, I can hardly believe that she's so big.  Being three, she has a lot to say and a whole lot of personality.  More than she knows what to do with most of the time.  We have been spending some free time in time out, and so have Addy's babies.  It turns out that they also sometimes have trouble listening.  She surprises us with new things every day.  She likes to find As in books and on packages and asks "Why is there an A here?  A is for Addy."  She also looks for Rs for "my baby Ryder".  She can now draw a person with a head, legs, and arms and can swing by herself!  She had the best weekend ever with her two favorite people - her cousins Blake & Kelsey and a trip to the zoo, swimming in the hotel pool, visit to the aquarium, the twain westauwant and a backyardigans birthday party complete with her 4 boyfriends - Cohen, Luke, Nicky and Logan and a bouncy house followed by chocolate cake!  The only thing missing was her baby Ryder... 

Pure bliss!
Chocolate cake with green icing!
Party hat for our little warrior - now 10 weeks old! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, beautiful girl!! And way to GO, Ryder!! Big boy breathin! Keep up the awesome work, Newmans!
