...didn't happen. We have been waiting since Friday to for "the discussion" about when to do Ryder's next surgery. There were some calculations that were left to do after the heart cath on Friday, then he was on the docket to be discussed at the cardiac conference today - this is where the cardiology consult doctor(s), nurse practitioners, surgeons and critical care attendings meet to discuss upcoming/potential surgical cases. Apparently all along Ryder's surgeon was going to be out of town today. He knew that but apparently nobody else did. So, that sucks...we were both sitting here for rounds hoping to hear something/anything regarding ideas on his next surgery or at least the next step but nada for today. Maybe will be tomorrow, or maybe he will be discussed at the next official conference on Friday...
In other news Ryder finally was on the weight upswing yesterday weighing in at 4.6 kg (10.12 lbs). He got restarted on enteral feeds again today at a low rate, so hopefully these few xtra calories will help put back on a little weight. His oxygen is doing great - he is now only on 0.5 L via a nasal canula - for those of us in adult medicine - I know!! Half a liter sounds goofy - but sometimes they even will put little kiddos on a quarter liter. He has been a little crabby today - hopefully he is just hungry and will soak up those calories. Funny on rounds yesterday apparently a message got passed along that mom didn't want him to have any more "sweetease" - this is a sucrose solution that you can stick on pacifiers to calm babies before you do something mean to them, basically. The interesting way this made it to the team was the night before I told the ICU fellow I was going to stop giving him the sweetease and start dipping his pacifier in butter. Hmmm. I am slightly concerned that they now not only think I make [probably] inappropriate jokes but that I am actually insane. Anyway, for today will be trying not to worry about this discussion tomorrow/Thurs/Fri ? about the little guy's surgical fate and concentrate on the occupational therapy and enjoying the cuteness...look for another update on the for-real big meeting later this week!
Has been all too long since we had an [almost] naked baby pic!! |
Sorry you didn't get any answers today. In the mean time, definately enjoy that cuteness!! He's adorable!