Friday, April 6, 2012

love's the greatest thing...

Oh my baby...

Ryder is still off of the invasive ventilator but remains on bipap (big mask, blows the air in for you)...his blood gas #s looked a little better this morning so it looks like he is holding his own...only question is where to go from here...can't eat while on this, can't get the arterial line out, can't back off on more drips.  We have just been waiting and hoping that he will get stronger so he can breathe without this mask smothering his little peanut face.  

Oh why...
Today the ICU team is trying something new called a NAVA catheter which triggers the breaths he is getting via electrical activity from his diaphram.  Seems like he is doing well with it.  The catheter can't stop the ventilator alarms though... these alarms could drive someone insane.  You can hear them over talking, through headphones and even while you sleep...even if you are sleeping at home.

Oh my baby, 

I love you so much.  Love that little nose, those long skinny fingers and toes, that sad weak cry.  Love always hopes.  Love never fails.  Love will get us through this.  Come on, come on, come on, get through it...Love's the greatest thing...

Oh why...?

Because, this is the plan for us little one.  You just keep breathing, and I'll keep sitting in this purple pleather chair praying your strength is enough.

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for Ryder and his sweet mommy tonight. Let's make it a GOOD Friday, ok? Love to you all!
