Ryder was extubated this afternoon. He didn't do so well - low oxygen, low heart rates and drop in his blood pressure. He was placed on a high flow nasal canula (with oxygen) but his breathing didn't pick up much so he was put on CPAP (mask that pushes air in your lungs to help); he didn't do really well with that either. He next went to BIPAP (mask that does more work for you) - by then he was so tuckered out that he went to sleep and his blood gas actually looked a lot better on this mode.
For now, no endotracheal tube but it isn't clear yet if this is the right timing for Ryder to be off the ventilator - only time (and a couple more blood gas measurements) will tell. He is starting to wake up a little more now so we will also have to see if he cooperates and breaths along with the bipap well...
So, if you are reading this tonight, prayers that he keeps his strength up and that his little heart is protected from all the stress of his day. He may be back on the ventilator by morning but that's ok...this may just not be his time...and this little warrior does not like to be rushed!
Lots of prayers from MN.