Monday, March 26, 2012

GREAT day in the PICU!

After a long wait today (rather - short wait compared to the 20 days of waiting since his Norwood surgery) I am pleased to announce that Ryder's chest is now...finally...CLOSED!  I know, seems like an odd thing to be so excited about but this is the first BIG step toward getting our little warrier OUT of this ICU and soon--HOME!

Now that his chest is closed, he can start weaning off the rest of his drips, work towards getting off the ventilator and then tackle what is supposedly the hardest part (aside from the ventilator, open chest ECMO, hypoxia, etc, etc. I guess) - the feeding and growing.  I have a feeling Mr. Ryder is going to show them though.  He took his pacifier like a champ and has spent most of his wakeful time the last few days chewing on his endotracheal tube and the mouth swabs.  If he received Addy's eating genes we'll have him on steak and potatoes by May.  Right, Ryder? 

So, I got a babycenter email know the ones - it's just too tempting to log in so you can see what kind of produce your fetus is the same size as, right?  "Your 18 week old is the size of a kumquat.!"  Huh? [google kumquat].  Anyway, they kindly reminded us that our 3+ week old will be soothed by a pacifier or sucking on his/her fingers.  Joke's on you babycenter - our baby is soothed tonight by morphine and versed.  Sleep tight little one!!

Thanks to everyone for all the love and support!!  We will be hoping for a good next 24 hrs as his chest pressures re-equilibrate so Ryder can move on to new and exciting goals!

1 comment:

  1. Haha - sleep tight, indeed. Hilarious. Congrats to all of you on this big milestone!! So so happy for the great update! Grow, Ryder, grow!!
