Ryder's day has gone well...
Last night, Ryder's night nurse made him a new March Madness sticker for his feeding tube, so now he is ready again for B-Ball! After he threw up a couple times yesterday an NGT was placed back in his stomach and once that was in he was able to keep taking a little milk (which is going past his stomach into his intestine) just fine. He had to get another transfusion this morning but we are hoping for another few days with more fluid off, closer to the goal to get his chest closed soon - maybe the end of the week, but probably more like early next week. His blood pressure has done really well so his blood pressure drips (dopamine/epi) were titrated down again a couple times today.
Also his foley catheter was taken out this afternoon - in the grand scheme of things it may not seem like much, but he was able to pee without it,so that meant we got to change a few diapers again. How normal. How awesome!
Addy is still doing well this week and happy to be back at daycare, though missing the extra attention, head-bonking (and treats) from Grandpa Jim and GG. She is still talking about her "baby bwother Wyder" all the time and has been setting aside juice, cookies and chocolate milk for him from her kitchen. Sharing pretend chocolate milk = love! The timing of baby brother couldn't be more perfect for her, as she seems to have readily accepted that the doctors and nurses are still "fixing" Ryder and he will come home soon. Though, she did tell me yesterday that she will trade him with her friend Cohen for his baby Finn because "he is fun to pway with"! Pretty sure baby Finn doesn't want to have Addy change his diapers either :) - good thing he's big enough to walk away!
We are very thankful today that week 3 is going even better than week 2; and in general for all the answered prayers!
"All human wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope"
- Alexandre Dumas Père
Chocolate milk is more precious than anything on earth; she DOES love her brother! Glad to hear the good news - prayers still coming your way!